Why Is My Pet So Itchy? Common Pet Allergy Questions
Allergies commonly cause sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, or asthma in [...]
“Facts from the Heart” Heartworm Quiz
If you have questions about heartworms, Providence Vet has answers. [...]
Anything But Sweet—Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs
Xylitol, which is also known as birch sugar, is a [...]
5 Ways to Keep Your Cat’s Claws Intact and Your Couch Un-Shredded
When it comes to the topic of declawing cats, the [...]
My Pet Needs Veterinary Care! Why Does it Take So Long to See My Veterinarian?
“Hello! I need to make an appointment for my pet. [...]
8 Separation Anxiety Management Tips for Pet Owners
Many pets don’t like saying goodbye to their owner, but [...]